Key Features
- Combination of Savings Bank account and Term deposit
- Auto Sweep into Term Deposits

This is a modern two in one savings plus fixed deposit account where your money gets auto swiped into fixed deposits & yet it is accessible as and when required. This gives the benefit & convenience of withdrawing money anytime anywhere & get decent interest on the savings at the same time.

Product Highlights
- Combination of Savings Bank Account Plus Term Deposits
- Auto Sweep Facility

Features and Benefits
- Balance from Savings Bank Account will auto sweep on weekly basis (on every Monday) for threshold above Rs.10,000/- and in multiples of Rs.5,000 and thereof
- All term deposit (created by sweep out transactions) will be opened for minimum period of 15 days and a maximum of 6 months.

Individuals either jointly or single
Minimum Monthly Average Balance:
Period of Deposit:
₹ 5,000
(For VISA FD Scheme)